
Amsterdam Fashion Institute

AMFI offers a 4-year (international) Bachelor programme which forms a good basis for a career in the fashion industry. AMFI provides the only programme in the Netherlands that teaches all facets of the fashion chain: Design, Management and Branding. Masters programme beginning in the 2016/2017 school year. amsterdam_fashion

AMFI is currently the largest fashion institute in the Netherlands. More than 100 lecturers teach more than 1100 students about all aspects of the fashion world. AMFI is also the only fashion institute in the Netherlands that covers the entire fashion chain. This ensures our students to have a broad perspective of the fashion industry. They choose to specialise in either Fashion & Design, Fashion & Management or Fashion & Branding. AMFI offers all its programmes in Dutch as well as in English. Students graduate with a Bachelor Degree in Fashion Technology.

AMFI chooses to see fashion in both industry and culture. This perspective extends the scope of fashion to the full process of design creating, production, distribution and communication. Our education considers the industrial practices of the fashion industry. This perspective covers all facets of fashion as idea, object and image and reconciles the paradox between commerce and culture.

Courses Overview: Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Bachelor of Fashion & Design
Bachelor of  Fashion & Branding
Bachelor of  Fashion & ManagementThis September, the second generation of Master of Fashion Enterprise will start. Please click here for further information.

AMFI model wearing pastel outfit
Photo credit: Danial Aitouganov

Noteworthy Alumni

Martijn Nekoui, Founder, MOAM Amsterdam; Bianca van der Lee, Founder, Chaud Devant; Marieke Beemsterboer, Design Director, Calvin Klein Jeans Women’s; Ilona Oksanen, Visual Project Manager, Hilfiger Denim; Linda Teeling, Freelance Retail Brand Marketing, Converse


Life in Amsterdam

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) is based in The Netherlands, in the city of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city where 175 different nationalities live and work together and where the English language is largely spoken.

The city is a hotbed of education and research in all conceivable areas: culture and society, trade, logistics, aviation, shipping, ICT, sports, healthcare, education and much more. At AUAS we take full advantage of this wealth of opportunities in order to provide the best possible education and produce cutting-edge research.


Tuition and Scholarship Information

If you meet the requirements applied by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, you will be required to pay the statutory tuition fee. If you do not meet these requirements, you must pay the institutional tuition fee. For further information on tuition fees click here.

Master of Fashion Enterprise Creation

AMFI Atelier Clash 2016/2017