
University Of Applied Arts Vienna

With 1100 students from 26 countries who attend the university, with faculty numbers 340; art students complete their essential course work in master-classes with approximately 120 students graduate each year.

The university regards itself as a haven of free artistic and scientific expression. A forum for debate and a research laboratory for the artistic imagination, which should, and will, attain its full potential in the society of the future.

Our claim to be one of the world's best art schools and our aim of remaining so is indelibly linked to the systematic further development of our quality standards, the constant renewal of creative potential and uncompromising support of artistic and scientific liberty.

University of Applied Art Vienna

Head of School

Rector Gerald Bast has been guiding the University of Applied Arts Vienna since 1999 - one year after a new legislative regulation transformed Austrian art colleges into universities. Gerald Bast’s ambitious plan for an art university with flourishing content and a growing number of students keeps stride with this age of globalisation, a fact reflected by new study programmes and changing professorships.

Courses Offered

Diploma in Fashion Design 
Diploma in Applied Photography and Time-based media
Diploma in Media Arts
Master of Art and Science

University of Applied Art Vienna

Tuition and Scholarship Information

The University offers many grant possibilities including 5 possibilities for European students and 1 for international students. More information about scholarships can be found here and about tuition here.

Graduate Shows