Yulia Kosyak

Grey Sheep






Julia Kosyak - member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Direction of creativity - art of transformation and costume modifier.

Graduated SPbGUSE, the department of "Costume Design" in St. Petersburg, winner of numerous competitions for young designers. Worked in Moscow and St. Petersburg the main costume designer for TV projects 2x2 channels, MTV and Muz.

Held several internships in Paris, during one of which participated in the preparation of the exhibition Madeleine Vionnet in Les Arts D? Coratifs (rekonstruiruktsiya accesories and clothes, art mankenazhe). Participated in the creation of costumes for the play "The first mushroom" Henri Volokhonsky and Alexei Hvostenko studio silent film "Pathe-Albatross" in Paris, and others.

The work of a graphic photo project was included in the latest collection of the Russian museum. The project was exhibited at many exhibitions, including abroad. His works are in private collections in the United States, France, Germany, Russia.

"Metamorphoses happening with the man and the space around it - something that interests and is a module of creativity costume designer Julia Cant. Feature of her work is that each of the suits modifiers can be put a dozen different ways, and the costumes-transformers can easily change your silhouette and shape, becoming a well-dressed everyday things. "

Repeated participant of exhibitions in the Union of artists, fashion weeks in St. Petersburg, winner of international and Russian competitions. Collections fashion future directions were presented at venues SPbSKH, SPbFW and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.


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