Percival Luto

Grey Sheep


canberra / Australia

Those with an interest in Planetary Science may have already made the connection. Percival Luto represents the outlier, the oddity, the unchartered and the remote. Emancipated from the establishment, Percival Luto exists freely within its own orbit.

Percival Luto began years ago at University. In her final year of a Bachelor of Graphic Design, Andrea was experimenting with the tentacle motif for a final project. Whilst studying a Bachelor of Architecture at the same University, Baxter was impressed with the motif. It was effortlessly dynamic, and seemed both beautiful and menacing. The years passed but the tentacles stayed, Andrea began exploring the use of tentacles in sculpture. At around the same time, Baxter became involved in manufacturing and fabrication. Andrea had been making jewellery based on the form of the tentacle and mythology of the Kraken, but it had been near impossible to make on a production scale. It was at this point that Baxter came on board and Percival Luto's 'Kraken' range was born.

In general, we value form over ornamentation, and through this form, convey a type of emotion not often seen in modern accessories. Percival Luto considers each piece as a sculpture, where form and structure merge into one.

Pieces are created using a combination of 3D printing and lost wax casting.

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