notre âme

Grey Sheep



delhi / india


national institute of fashion technology (nift)

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries


Notre âme, a French word translating in English to ‘our soul’, is a culmination of the crafts that are imbibed in the soil of India. The label aims to revive various crafts that have been part of the Indian culture and still practiced in many parts of rural India. The diverse culture which gives birth to micro and small scale artisanship using crafts like kantha, applique, patchwork, sujani, rabari and many more forms, is a result of heritage craft passed on from generations. These artisans and women communities have honed these skills initially for their home décor, and upcycling however now they are part of a progressive thought where sustainability takes fore front. These communities are true ambassadors of a sustainable and self reliant approach to life in harmony with nature.

The memory of touch is what builds us into ourselves as we grow. It is one of the core values at notre âme while crafting each product. everyday we ensure that how this greatest feeling can be reflected in our products to give delightful moments to the people who we serve and our artisans who craft them meticulously.

Each product has a story woven into it that comes to life when people adorn them. Hand crafted designs with premium modern look embarks the wearer onto a journey into the soul. At notre âme our aim is to uplift these communities and bring them in the mainstream for a conscious and circular fashion industry.

notre âme is a soul's wild longing, an experience of being oneself, a thrill running in the veins. Notre âme is about letting the soul fly, deconstructing definitions that limits you, notre âme is about you.

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