Murielle Maalouf

Black Sheep


new york / united states


parsons school of design

Graduation year


As a designer I normally think as an active observer, focusing mostly on people’s behavior and social interactions.
Through my previous research topics and collections, I tried to address socially constructed problems that tend to target minorities, whether I can personally relate or not, I try to approach these topics in a sensitive matter in order to connect with these people on different levels, design being the first one.This aspect of sensitivity is then brought out in materiality and silhouette. My interest in this topics has made a lot collaborations happen which helped me on a personal and design level.

Being born and raised in Beirut, where turmoil was always present, I got used to being involved in conflicted topics, and I came to realize that my collections tell a story of self reflection/ collective reflection where the questions tend to be answered throughout the collection. My latest collection being “ Deux à Deux”, where I tried to understand how human relationships form and evolve.

Latest Collection