Mancika Designs

Grey Sheep


budapest / hungary


the university of technology sydney

Graduation year


Growing up in on a beach in sydney, environmentalism has always been a key value in my life and creative processes of upcycling often kept me out of boredom and mundaness. mancika designs was born after my first 2 children, so it all began as a hobby and tv watching alternative. moving to hungary meant many obstacles to me in terms of not having a wide enough audience/customer circle, as my creations are bold, colourful and large. as of recently however i have teamed up with some local and international designers to collaborate with on fashion shows and photoshoots - as well as hosting my own event series named 'mancika's boudoir' - bringing fashion and art together, encouraging visitors to touch, feel and get connected to fashion items, without the pressing feeling they need to buy what they try on.

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