the madden project

Grey Sheep



moscow / russia


british higher school of art & design

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries


Why / Strategic target

Respect the past to determine the future.

Postindustrial society is changing us: it’s more difficult to manage resources, useless information and superficial social contacts, even more reckless consumption. All this depreciates the moment, deprives life of meaning and leads to an excess of conformity, loss of opportunities and the triumph of the image over reality. Responding to these conditions, I want to create less, but better - so that the product is valuable against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world and can carry its own story.

This is our material revolution. We want to set the vector for the future, while using the legacy of the past.

The connection with our nature has been lost. The mass market has created an artificial environment inhuman and toxic, which, coupled with impending environmental disasters, leads to a dissonance within us. A reminder of our cultural heritage of the past, and at the same time the use of the best practices of the present, is the best voice against fast fashion and consumerism. The Union of Sustainable Materials and New Technologies is a solution that can become durable and meets our needs in the modern world.

How / Values

Our target — the revival of traditional knowledge that was previously passed down from generation to generation. Idea in modern execution, expressing the versatility of man, his inconsistency, thinking about the external and internal, about contradistinction and unity.

We use the rich heritage of pre-industrial cultures, systems and practices, combining ancient techniques, ergonomics of traditional costumes of different nations in a modern design. This is a way to awaken the inner "I", restore lost knowledge.

In synthesis with innovations in the field of sustainable materials and natural processes, we are creating a new level of comfort that will be defined by a new era of intelligent fabrics and materials.

We focus on the best, not is more. Limited collections are created from natural fabrics, which dyed with natural dyes.

Time to create fewer things, but better quality, creating longevity and value in the product.

Latest Collection

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