Grey Sheep



modena / italy


scienze politiche

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries


--Tell me all about your sustainable design methods!
LolaDarling is a proposal of a sophisticated and exclusive Italian lifestyle brand that has  sustainability at its core. We dare to say our design methods are beyond sustainable. That’s because  we employ the use of ethical methods such as reconstructions and reinvention of already existent garments and transform them into unique art pieces. Our goal is to create sophisticated results with zero impact on the planet.

--What types of places do you go to to find clothes to re-purpose? How do you know when you've found something really good? 
We recover pre-existing materials First of all from our heritage of thousands of vintage garments, the Loladarling Archive. Also from Vintage shops, some luxury brands, exclusive collector sales. Typically these clothing already have some history with time then transcended into contemporary. The condition of these garments is checked to make sure that the garment is in good condition and has been properly cared for. Ultimately,
These garments, if I may, connect with me when I see them. Once I touch it,  I know if it's coming with me or not.

--You mention on your website that you see your clients and customers as "collectors, not consumers" - it's a unique philosophy, tell me more?
Well, our collectors know exactly what they want and take pride in knowing that they are the only ones who own that piece on the planet and are guaranteed of this. They seek us and are genuinely happy to own the art pieces from LolaDarling.

--I get the impression you probably work a lot with specialized clientele, celebrities, etc - can you tell me more about your projects?
Indeed. LolaDarling has had the honor of working with high stake clients and collaborators where these partnerships reveal the best of both worlds as we complement and contrast to make our statements. My projects normally begin with the intention and the individual personalities of these garments. These garments basically dictate their form and how they want to inspire the collector who will eventually wear them. I simply trust and follow. And in the end I’m never disappointed just in owe every single time.

--What projects are you currently working on or do you have coming up that you're excited about? 

I’m currently working on the "Healing clothes" project.

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