Grey Sheep



moscow / russia


british higher school of arts and design/moscow

Graduation year


KATKOVTA clothes do not have a gender.
This is just a question of how to clothe oneself and show self - confidence in it.
There is a goal to give a person an opportunity to play with clothes, give it more mannishness or highlight the waist, for example. The lookbook is photoshooted on a young man because nowadays guys are too careful speaking about the question of their appearance. So we can easily draw their attention to the picture and open out their perception on the subconscious side. Eventuality is a thing that makes our life more interesting and unpredictable , so if you wear your trouser leg out , you can easily tie your belt in a different way and dish it as though this pants are new ones. The conception consists in imperfection of thoughts and ideas, in diversion from acceptance, clothes here salute as palpable thoughts of designer. Many things in creating of this collection are wrapped up in eventuality, avoiding the inanimate refined sensation. We are studying through all our life and I want people to learn to buy and wear it, to learn to understand what information it carries. It is really easy, like riding a bike, you buy yourself a new horse and take a great enjoyment in every moment, the same situation with clothes. You should try, just try to get out of the comfort zone.