Jie-Euen Choi

Grey Sheep


new york / united states


parsons the new school for design

Graduation year


Before Jie-Euen entered into fashion, she earned a degree in fine arts at School of the Art Institute of Chicago and worked as a studio artist. After exhibiting paintings and installations in galleries and museums for six years in South Korea, in 2009, she moved to New York to study fashion design at Parsons school of design. Having background in fine art, Jie-Euen values workmanship and craftsmanship in garment making and focus on experimenting with techniques and materials in her design. She is most excited when she can create one of a kind, unique pieces for people who have needs for something different. Her design was featured in Nylon(US), Ever Magazine(France), Nu-Mode Magazine(US), Contra Magazine(US), Vaga Magazine(US), Dew Magazine(US). The famous stylist Nicola Formichetti's New York studio (2011) as well as Brandon Maxwell Studio (2014) have requested her design pieces for Lady Gaga's appearance.

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