
ESMOD Berlin

Esmod International is comprised of 21 international fashion schools based in 14 countries. This provides students with the opportunity to take part in an intercultural exchange. Esmod maintains the quality and traditions of its 170-year history whilst recognisably evolving and continually nurturing successful alumni who go on to make significant contributions to the future of the fashion industry.  

Since 2011 ESMOD Berlin International University of Art for Fashion is officially recognized by the Senate Administration for Education, Science and Research as a University of Art according to the Berlin Higher Education Act. For those aspiring to a career in the industry, ESMOD Berlin offers the opportunity for three years of in-depth study leading to a BA in Fashion Design and Pattern Making/Draping.

Our unique learning environment is the ideal chance for students to flourish and develop professionally as well as personally, preparing them to make their mark on the fashion industry. The foundation of learning at ESMOD Berlin is the partnership created with individual students through lectures and seminars, taught by professionals who are active in the fashion industry.  From practical workshops to presenting their creative work to a jury, students will be guided to a point where they are capable of taking a leadership role themselves and enjoy professional success like ESMOD alumni before them. The ESMOD Berlin location is a former comprehensive school situated in the middle of Kreuzberg, the most up and coming district of Berlin. The classrooms are spacious and artists' and young designers’ studios that are situated opposite the building offer a huge creative community.

Head of School

Prof. Valentin Rothmaler, born 1950, studied Graphic Design at the Berline-Weißensee School of Art as well as Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. From 1993 untill 2015 Rothmaler is a professor for Art and Architecture at the Faculty of Design of the Wismar School of Arts, in addition to his role as a Fine Arts Curator at the Kultur- und Universitätskirche St. Petri, Lübeck since 2008. Rothmaler is a member of German Art Association Berlin.

Courses Overview: Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Bachelor in Fashion Design
Master of Arts in Sustainability in Fashion

Life in Berlin

The university is located in the heart of the cultural hotspot of Kreuzberg, the former home of the punk scene, with many resident artists, musicians and designers mixing with start up entrepreneurs and travellers from all over the world. Inspiration and recreational diversity can be found easily, from flea markets to artist run galleries, small design boutiques, supply stores and a plethora of bars and cafes. In a contemporary and historical sense, creativity and experimentation is interwoven into the very fabric of the city, making it an ideal study environment.

In terms of liveability, Berlin is the ideal student city. Finding an apartment here is easier and more affordable than in many other major European cities. The general cost of living in Berlin also suits the student budget.

Tuition and Scholarship Information

The ESMOD Berlin International University of Art for Fashion is  listed under the Federal Training Assistance Act 
(BaföG), as an officially  recognized private university. Under certain conditions, applicants may be eligible to receive financial support. For more information on financial aid click here. If you are interested in studying fashion design at ESMOD Berlin, please contact the school for further information.

Graduate Shows