Crusoe Jewelry

Grey Sheep



brooklyn / united states


Virginia Tech

Graduation year


Prior to launching her own collection, Crusoe designer Maya Ahluwalia had a long love affair with jewelry throughout her career. She began her career at John Hardy, where she was first exposed to hand-crafted designs with a strong design aesthetic. A long stint at Gurhan followed, where the love affair with jewelry deepened, but Maya was also exposed to all aspects of a burgeoning fine jewelry brand. Working directly with the designer and president, the husband and wife team behind Gurhan, allowed Maya to see what it takes to develop and expand a jewelry brand through roles in sales, product development and marketing. Following Gurhan, Maya was Marketing Director for LALIQUE, where again the importance of craftsmanship and design prevailed, along with a deeper understanding of all aspects of running a successful brand. Maya was also instrumental in the launch of LALIQUE’s Fine Jewelry collection.

The combination of creativity and a strong business sense has played a major role in her career, but that unique duality stems from childhood. Saturday afternoons were often spent with her artist/actor father sketching portraits of Maya. This love of art and design was balanced with her multiple Master degree holding mother’s love of education and thirst for knowledge.

When the inspiration to launch her own jewelry line hit, her furniture designing-partner threw in his support wholeheartedly. Without his knowledge of design and production, along with a studio space within his wood shop in Brooklyn, Crusoe would never have happened.

A strong believer in everything that happens to you gets you to where you are today, Maya cites all of her influences, both professional and personal, that led to the launch of Crusoe.

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