BLANC / AglaiaRestuccia

Grey Sheep


florence / italy


polimoda - advanced footwear design

Graduation year


B L A N C as a daily inspiration and a way of living. dressing B L A N C and eating B L A N C.

to find the right cut for her brand, the designer Aglaia Restuccia started thinking conceptually about white; about how white spaces reflect light in both: close spaces and open ones. That’s why the pairs of the shoes are not the same right and left foot, but with cuts that are continuing each other.

she mixed her no-colors pure way of looking throw the things with the most raw material: COPPER.

this research took over a year to be done and with the gained know-how, Aglaia Restuccia can now give life to a concept she really cares about.

each pair of shoes and the all packaging as well is transparently and completely 'made in Italy' to guarantee the highest quality.

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