Aurum Fashion

Grey Sheep






Lyneke Harris the designer of these polos and owner of the company started in 2015 putting pen to paper to create her visions. After starting up her company she has developed the first polos from her designs, to provide the market with her new styled product.
Each Aurum piece is meticulously created to compliment both African and European cultures.To ensure quality the polos and fabrics are created in England.

Aurum Fashion derived out of a conflict between Lynekes clothing fashion and styles and the clothes gifts she received from her husband and his family. The aim of her vision was to both please her inlaws but still continue to wear her own style clothes. Thus she developed polos with a twist, and added the hint of Africa using Dutch wax fabric.
The logo and name were inspried by 3 key words that Lyneke wanted the brand to represent, value (Aurum- latin for Gold), strength/power (the lion logo) and pride (represented by the use of dtuch wax fabric).

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