Grey Sheep



Ali Saulidi is a shoes and accessories designer. In his work he uses old-fashioned technologies along with tools and traditions of shoe craft. In 2010 he launched his own brand which is now based in Kiev.

Ali Saulidi underwent a training course in shoes workshops, being taught secrets of handmade manufacture of shoes by old school masters. In designing he has chosen to focus on shoes production because it’s unique and very difficult process: it requires designers to take into account aesthetics as well as thoroughly follow technology rules and modelling calculations so as not to make even the slightest error. In his work Ali prefers to stick to minimalism and constructivism, but he keeps a broad-minded policy.

Ali Saulidi’s studio is space where manufacture, showroom and laboratory for technological experiments are located. It expands brand abilities in a variety of ways, creating a place where handmade shoe accessories gain their unique aesthetics and functionality.