57 metanoia

Grey Sheep



yerevan / armenia


State academy of fine arts of Armenia

Graduation year


Main Manufacturing Countries


57 metanoia was born from the visionary minds of two sisters. Inspired by the profound concept of Metanoia, their journey began.
Rooted in childhood memories immersed in nature, this brand evolves into a quest for nurturing practices, evolving into a profound dialogue. Metanoia embodies a transformative path that alters the mind, the soul, and one's very essence.
These sisters, having traversed this enlightening path, circle back to their origins, weaving together their individual reflections on nature, nurturing, and empathy, igniting an inspiring call to care.
Embarking on a return to their origins, they invite you to partake in the metamorphic journey of Metanoia, collectively embracing its transformative essence.

The brand inspiration came from the idea of ‘Metanoia’ which means the journey of changing one’s mind , heart , self or way of life. -''We use handcrafted technologies to give natural ,earthy and raw looks to ours collections.All products are completely handmade and each model crafted with utmost care and affection.''
The brand values revolve around conscious consumption and the reuse of materials, aligning with the principle of minimal waste.

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