Grey Sheep


london / United Kingdom



Graduation year


Inna Radhinna might seem hard to define as a designer, at the first glance.The apparent shyness hides a radically daring sometimes somewhat reckless designer set to discover thrill rather than looking for approval or recognition.
A lot of the beauty goes in the seemenly random elements that appear effortless and coincedental, though a careful observer will recognize just that as the red thread in all of the projects. The tension between being an equally conceptual designer as one that is guided by material seems to add to the challenge of categorization.
The next element is to be the challenge itself, because the most exciting things are the impossible ones and good taste is already last season. The denial of the accepted truths and sometimes irreverence for any kind of rules in spite of spending some years studying law sometimes seem to conceal the most obvious element of all, a love for pretty clothes.
The ` ruins of me` collection is the result of this love above all and the most defining one. It is stripped down of the concept game, the thrill or the sensation, one thouzand and one ideas left behind revealing a pure and highly personal vision. The collection named ` the ruins of me` shows life itself. An achitectural frame of strong materials contains blocks of fresh and bright colours all slightly colliding, shaped but uneven consistent but accidental. Industrial materials with the life ones as leather and rabbitfur trapped amongst them.

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