Grey Sheep


toronto / canada


ryerson university

Raised in Toronto, Maria Mak graduated at Ryerson University and impressed the city with her graduation show collection which was sponsored by Fur Council of Canada due to her outstanding performance throughout the years, and was award to present the collection in the International Fur show in Montreal, and also was showcased in Holt Renfrew. She was also chosen as the top ten finalists for Young International Fashion Designer Competition in 2002. Maria has also won few fashion awards during her years in university, including the Best Ladies Wear and Best Futuristic Wear in CCFDA (Toronto, Canada).

Maria's love for out-of-the norm continues to develop throughout her years of designing for multiple international brand names. Her ambition of turning timeless tradition styles into distinctive pieces with edgy details urges her to develop the brand, Twisted Sisters. Her love for contemporary designs does not only stop at Ready-to-Wear, but has further developed an exclusive line mainly focusing on lougiere that is both modern and accessible. By twisting sophisticated haute couture concepts into urban sensible dresses for ladies to celebrate beauty through the nights, Twisted Sisters, will show the world from inside out.

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