Li Mo

Black Sheep



los angeles / united states

Main Manufacturing Countries

united states

LI MO is a Los Angeles-based fashion and knitwear designer that grew up in Shenzhen province in China. When she was just 16 years old, she started her life journey in the United States. Her artwork is largely inspired by the collision of eastern and western culture, and she aims to bring the diversity of ethnicities, architecture, cultures and high artistic tastes into her artwork. In 2015, LI MO graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with an AAS degree. She has been continuously chasing her dream, with her persistent passion for fashion paving her way to one of the most renowned fashion schools in the world, Fashion Institute of Technology, and graduated with a BFA degree in 2020. During her time of living in New York, she has worked for the fashion brands including NAADAM and Carlisle Etcetera. The experiences from the professional industry have encouraged LI MO to work with other artists and photographers that have shaped her impressive portfolio. Her work has been published by a multitude of fashion magazines, including Superpresent, AL-Tiba9, LE’COEUR,, KNOW, SAINTEIGHT, BOOOOOOOM Magazine, MOEVIR, and POZA. She has held a solo exhibition at the Art Show International in California, and been featured in selected group exhibitions throughout the United States that have been held by the Shoreline Art Festival, Art Gallery 118, Fusion Art, and Las Laguna Art Gallery. LI MO has even gained international recognition with a showcase in London at the Infinity Exhibition held by The Holy Art.

LI MO's artworks reflect her own experiences that have formed her talented mind and creative vision that explores the distinctiveness and newness of the world. She characterizes her signature aesthetic through elevating the innovation of spirituality and unique design.