Curated Films

Fashion & Fantasy | Part 24

A MONTHLY CURATED VIDEO SELECTION BY NICCOLÒ MONTANARI: showcasing highly visual content, this month’s focus is on videos that approach social and environmental issues through their distinct cinematic language.

Plenty of films have been made to address social issues, especially within the fashion industry. From those who make the clothing we wear to the uncontrolled waste produced, film has become a useful tool in raising awareness over these topics. This month I selected four videos that approach social and environmental issues through their distinct cinematic language, highlighting what the fashion industry is doing or should be doing to make a change on a global level.

Vogue: Model Citizen (Director’s Cut) by Yoni Lappin

Modeling is often associated with enjoying a glamorous lifestyle. However, the reality is that this is often just a mask one has to adopt in order to play the game, while covering any issues or worries they may be dealing with. In this documentary, Lappin focuses on the stories of four Sudanese models to shed some light onto what this profession means for them and the challenges they face. From dealing with strict immigration requirements, which can be a struggle for those who have had to travel across the world for a better life, to having to change the perception of what this profession entails, Lappin’s work shows a different, yet compelling side to modeling.

CNMI-Woolmark by The Blink Fish

Created as a collaboration between Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and Woolmark, CNMI-Woolmark celebrates creativity with a conscious mind. The film was shot for Milano Moda Graduate, an event for Italian fashion schools designed to confer visibility to the work and talent of future generations. During the event, designers discovered the benefits of Merino wool, a natural and sustainable fibre. With the support of The Woolmark Company and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana each designer developed a wool outfit, featured in the film, demonstrating the countless properties of this fibre.

The Allegory of Water by Elena Pettiti di Roreto

Shot as part of The Next Green Talents, the scouting project by Vogue Italia and Yoox, The Allegory of Water addresses the very important issue of the current state of our waters. Inspired by classical paintings whose main subjects were the allegories of the Earth, Pettiti di Roreto decided to use the language of beauty and grace in approaching this theme. In her own words: “Willing to be provocative, I recreated a painting-like composition based on the canons and aesthetic of Flemish painting, but in a current landscape: a landfill (Angus landfill site in Scotland), and with symbolic elements that represent the current status of waters: dead fish and plastic waste."

The Price of Free by Derek Doneen

A heartbreaking piece on the reality of child labour and slavery, The Price of Free is a Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning documentary by Derek Doneen. The film tells the story Kailash Satyarthi, the first Indian Nobel Prize winner, and his work in dismantling the issue of child labour. Sitting somewhere between a documentary and a fundraising film, The Price of Free (almost 90 minutes) aims to encourage people to learn about this issue and ask major retailers to ensure their supply chains are free from child labor.