CoCo Création

Grey Sheep


Aigle / switzerland

Main Manufacturing Countries


CoCo Création is a brand of clothing and
accessories made exclusively from recycled
materials. What’s special about my brand is
that I recover what people give me. Anything
that was supposed to end up in the garbage
can is recycled. I don’t choose my stock, but
from my stock. In other words, I don’t go to
second-hand stores, thrift shops, flea mar-
kets or buy dormant stock.

So I collect clothes, jeans, curtains, tableclo-
ths, sheets. I also take offcuts and samples
from upholsterer’s sales, and seamstresses’
scraps and offcuts. I cut zippers, buttons,
buckles and magnetic snaps. And I also work
with less conventional materials, such as pa-
raglider canvas, protective plastic, a dance
mat. Or skai tapestry from the 60s, salvaged
from the walls of a refurbished apartment. I
test the material. I play with it.

I’m a professional dancer, actress, playwright
and choreographer. I trained as a seamstress
during confinement, before launching this
project where aesthetics and movement
blend with my values. I can explore my crea-
tivity and push its limits, while remaining
aware of the urgency and necessity of offe-
ring ethical, local and responsible fashion.

At present, I work alone from my chalet in the SWISS MOUNTAINS. The imba-
lance between my environment, my lifestyle
and the world of fashion is exciting.

It allows us to explore interstices of which we
are not always aware. Given my art studies
and past experience in the performing arts,
my approach as a designer is sometimes
different. I write before I sew. I put my ques-
tions on paper. Then I have fun answering
them with recycled materials.
My main question is about shock and resi-
lience. The frontier, the edge, the border
between two different worlds. Since I recover
a lot of waste, I’m led to make patchwork. I
recreate a fabric, and then make things in-
side. There are lots of colors. A lot of mixing.
Textures. A whole world is created on each
garment. I explore the cracks. The dangling
threads. The seams. Colors and textures.
Openings. The cracks.

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